kawan-kawan yg baik hati

balik kampung???

salam,,hye sume da lme x story2 ni en??(lme k??)
hehehe rndu lak nk nk potpetpotpet kt blog ni....
potpetpotpet??(2 glarn tok aq n ckin tym kt skool dlu,,ttbe teringt lak..mklumlah ktorg b2 ni juara  bising kt klass..bkn kt klass je oztel skola sume ktorg sapu..)
mngarut lax,,msti nk selitkn cter psal skool ny..aq un xtw npe..misz sme skool kot..hahaha
(ckin lau bce blog aq ko xyah nk bebel lak ea,kte aq ngungkit!!hohoho kidding je la)
act,hjung minggu cmni ttbe lak fmily aq kte nk blek kg..
plek tol..ttbe lak 2..
aq ngn glabah pon g packng brg2..
tp xda la g 1 fmily coz adk2 aq yg len sume kt oztel...
otw nk blek 2 ttbe terdetik la nk g usha adk ak kt SEPINTAR 2..

kami pon g la mlawt..smpi2 je tw ap jd??
dy xda lak...g outing..hampeh tol nadia ni..
slah fmily ak gak spe suoh xgtw nk mlawt dy..
then,,kmi pon troskn je la prjlanan kmi k umah atox ku yg comel!!!
jaoh gak kt JB,,pnt towl(ceh,gaya cm aq lak yg drive hehe)
stlah tbe ak ngn xcted pon salam la atok2 ku..wah~nmpk epi sgt mke atox2 ku 
(thats mean grandpa n grandny..);)

epi tol dpt jmpe atox2 ku yg comel..act,kmi dtg ad sbb upenyer,,nk tw sbb ap??
mmg surprise abis la..hahaha sgguh teruje yg amat3...
xnak la story lg t korg mzti tertnye2 psal ap en??xlok wat org tertnye2 ni..huhu
kami blek kg dua hri je..khmis g jumaat blek k umh..
then tw ap jd??ttbe pospon lax nk blek sab2..da la xda bju..weng tol~
so,,kmi pon g la mlwat tangkak shopping cket(act,,nk crik bju tok sok je)
kmi pon grak mlm 2 g umh kzen lax..
jap je kn??nk wat cne ni sume psal license..
xpe2,,asl mlwat n mnjenguk dorg...
pg2 2,,da smgat nk blek..tp xda la pg sgt,,kol 10 kot kmi bertolak...
so,,dgn spntas kolat ayh aq drive..hohoho..
smpi2 je kt ASIA 2,,aq pon g la dgr ceramah..prgh,,bosan gle..
nsib bek ad al skli..tw x ag 1 org yg xdjngka2 n terjgka pon ad,,guess who???
mne nk tw ,,xgtw lg kn??haha ktorg jmpe SHARK @ shakirin mmt bjet..haha
mmg ngntok gler r..da la xsmpt nk blek umh,,mmg blurr aq ari2..
lastly,,berakhir gak cermah 2..pasni asas bru..adoyy,,lme lak 2..16 arbln..
tym 2 la tgh bdebr2 ngn rsult..wo0t3 cuak derr..haha

then,,kmi abis dlm kol 6 ptg..ad org anta aq blek..nk suoh parents amek ksian lak pnt~so,,bdikari la sndri,,then g la crik mgse..mgse??prey??cehh,poyo je..crik org minx tlong je la..jgn pk bkn2 ea..hoho
ase syukur sgt sbb da smpi umah...my sweet home..(xtw nk wat smbgn cmner,,akhr je tross..haha)
*sori xda pic,,kt kg..nk msokkn tp xsmpt..so trime je la..peace!!

p/s:nisa..aq xtw nk post pe....no point..haha hope,,ko xbosan...t aq post psal kw je la snang..

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

lalala~(xtw nx ltak title pe)

salam,,ellow readers!!(cewah)
kali ny xda tilte??(sbnarnye da blank+blurr,,)

hahaha,,blurkn pic ni..lalala~so what??
ske atila..tgh blurr..hehehe

act,,ptg td going to klinik..adoy,,mom suoh gak amek injection 2...
mle2 imagine gak besa mne injection 2..cuak lak...
adkah besa ni??ayoyo..mao pengsan sje..

cehh,,xda la bsa mne sbnanye..
akhrnye,,aq brjaya mgharungi detik2 cemass 2(cett,,gye cm tkot sgt je..)
slpas berurusan ngn doc,,dy suggest kn g clinic centre wat rwatm ag detail..adoy,,payah tol..
lau bole,,mlas nk wat bnda2 leceh ni...susa3 n mnyusah kn..tp sbb nk elok n shat kn??
weyh,,brat aq trun!!(teruje habis larh..bkn stkat 2,3 kg je tp more than that)mom kte effect kott..aq ase bkn sbb effect,,da nk trun,,nk wat cne..aish,,tp aq ske brat aq trun..(cett,,pdhal da ideal pon)
daya2,,t blek plkn kte tgok ea..spe mnang..lalala~
sdah mngrot lax..loLz..;)
korg nk tw k sbb ap aq g injection td??jeng3..rahsie larhh..
p/s:kpd kwn2 ku yg dpt agk,,snyap2 udah ea..huhu

ag 1 yg tension nye psal line maxis kt umh ni...
plek tolll..tension dbuatnye..nk texting pon susa..
kpd rakan2 ku,,yg bce blog ni,,lau aq x rep mcj korg,,phm3 je la ea..(dgn muke yg sdeyh...:( )
td aq g klinik,,blmbak2 mcj msok,,(rse cm famous sketika woot3..haha)
sume tnye psal SPM,,adoy3 ni lg 1 prob..korg sume rlex la...
xtw ag kn kuar ble...xyah tnye2,,
t jd glabah+cuak je...susa lax t,,sume bnda wat xmnen2..
p/s again:momo sorry xdpt rep mcj td,da smpi umh n phm2 je la..haha(promote ni,,gye cm dy bce je blog ni..)

ag 1..tengs kt umi zue,,lau ko ajen usha blog aq ni,,ak nk ucap tengs sgt2 coz mngingt kn aq..
jiwang lak..ahaks~
weyh,,tp sori la dsebbkn line mengong kt cni,,diulangi MENGONG..aq xdpt rep mcj ko..
huhu cdeyhnye,,da jd org ipoh la ko kn??amek lsen kt sne,,almt kt sne..haha
tp blek puchong evryweek,xbole bla..hohoho

mcm2 kott,,post kli ni..da mcm @#$%! ble bce...
phm3 la korg..
one morething,,tok candidtes SPM,,rleks2 je la k??aq pon cuak gak,,kte sme2 doakn kte dpt result yg cemerlang...n berjaya sme2...amin~
xcted kn??hope,sme2 dpt best result!!

p/s:ana n nisa...ak minx permission dlu...phm3 je la..wawawa~

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

johoR or ceramah??

salam sume...
dr tajoknye mcm kne wat plihan kn??
cehh,,ni kne wat solat istikharah ni..hek3..
pe la mngarot ni...asyik mngrot je..xda pape pon senanye..

smlm sofea dtg umah aq..woot2 peya dtg umah aq..haha
ngat kn ad ana skli coz aq dgr smlm dy pon ad klas..upenyer ari 2 dy xda klas..
so,,peya dtg sorg je la..hampeh nye ana(jgn mrah ea cream lalala~)
mcm2 ktorg smbg...lalalala(xpayah tw la smbg psal pe..)
ttbe dy tnye aq psal lesen..alhamdulillah la,,lpas test komp n kne g ceramah k2 next week..
ttbe my mom dtg,,dy tnye la mcm2 kt peya,smbil2 2 aq g la wat air(fuyoo rjen 2..)
ttbe aq dgr peya kte nk joho next week,,n mom pon kte nk g joho gak next week..
waa~peya kte sme!!!(bru nk epi,,kt sne leyh la kuar sme2..)
after siap wat air,,aq continue sembg blek..
peya tnye ak:uit2,,ko nk g johor next week an??abis 2 ceramah kete cmne??bnda 2 da dlink kn k jpj ngeng!!!

terkzut berok aq dgr,smpi xterkte ap2..adoy,,cmne aq leh lupa..abis la problm mnimpa aq lg..
walaweyh,,bru nk epi..cett,,nseb bek peya dtg umah..lau x aq pon lpe psal ceramah 2..adoyai...
cmne la ni...aq hope leyh post pone la cermah 2..aq nk blek kmpg...
nk jmpe granpa n granma..
ari ni jgak ak nk sttlekn...

smgt glax..lalala~
hope,,bole la...
k la,,bye2..

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

salam,,ari ni kite akn blajar memasak ea..eceh,,msak lak..
mzti korg tertnye2 kn??sdap k ny??hua3..
jwpnnye...of course la sdp..xcaye try la wat..
nk bg korg rse...sorry la da abis..hehe
yg bole bg care2 nk wat je..try la wat..lau xjd slah sndri la..xpe,,snang je ni..kompem korg lpasnye..peace!!!

tp kn...skunk ni amai chef laki kn??spe stuju??
tp ni fact la kn??cbe tgok chef skunk??rmi laki..
mne popuan ea??plek bin ajaib tol...
cbe tgok pic ni..

knal x ni spe??tpu la xknal kn??Chef wan..bez ouh,,tgok dy msak.sempoi je.

pe lax cter psal chef ni..org nk shre cre nk wat chocolte chips ni..
ttbe lax psal chef..termngarut lax..
k2 jom tgok hasil nye....

cookies ny sbgi hiasan je..hehehe td xsmpt nk capture pic..dh slmt d mkn,rmi 2 mkn..sdap3..(puji dri sndri lax)

ok3...mngarut lagi..nk tw cre n bhn2 nk wat kn??mzti nk tw nyer,,rlex3..
k la,,ni list2 nye..hope enjoy!!!

bahan A
~ 250 g buttercup
~ 160 g gula halus
~ 1 biji telur ayam
~ 1 sudu kecik esen vanila (kalo byk2 nnti mabuk)

bahan B
~ 230 g tepung gandum
~ 20 g sebuk koko
~ 100 g choc chips (byk pon xpe..sedap!hehe)
~ 50 g roasted almond (kalo nk je)

get set......GO!!
1) gaul butter + gula sampai sebati dalam bekas X(sebati means gula dah xb'ketul2)
2) masukkn esen vanila + telur skali dlm bekas X
3) campurkan sume bahan B dlm bekas Y n gaul lame2 smpy penat..dah penat tuka chef..haha
4) masukkn bahan2 B ke dlm bekas X....kacau lagi smpy penat lagi..
5) agak2 dah borink asyik kaco je..g la bakar dlm oven...

(!) sapu dulu loyang dgn margerin so that cookies xmelekat..
(!) bakar cookies kat oven dgn condition - temp: 180 C
- time: 25 min
(!) lepas kluarkan cookies dr oven,,tros amik cookies dr loyang b4 loyang sejuk cz nnti dah sjuk cookies melekat n susa nk kluaka( dr pngalaman..hua3)
(!) simpan cookies dlm bekas b'tutup elak dr masuk angin...
(!) kemas blek brg2 jgn kasi sepah kalo xnk kne mara ngn ur mom..
(!) bg la or laen rse kalo cookies tuh jd..kalo xjd mkn sndri je..hahahaha

pe ag jom la wat...huhuhuhu tips ny..gud luck!!hohoho

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥


pebenda 2??cm pnah dgr??haha
tym ni sume rase serba xkne!!!
walaweyh,,rlex2 la..be cool..pale hut moo nk rlex rsult da nk kuar..(wow!!bhase2..)
2 la pasl!!ble da smkin hampir, mcm2 bnda dpkr..siap ad mimpi rsult ag 2..
sape ad mimpi result??angkt tangn!!
kompem ad la..tol x??
kt cni yg leh dnchat kn adlah..rlex2 n bnyk bsabar..korg glabah mne pon xbrubahnye korg ttp kne amek gak..Tol x??
so,,kte ptotnye skunk ny hnye mmpu berdoa,,wat bnyk amal k??qiam pon ok gak.:).ajen2 kn la dri wat qiamulail..huhu tnangkn ati k??act,,aq pon ase cuak,,tp nk wat cne da mmg mke aq slaloo rlex(pasan jer..)
cool gler..peace!!

hahaha cool gler snoopy ni..snoopy wat pe??dy bkn nk amek rsult pon..
xpe2,,kte pon kne rlex ...be cool..hohoho

excted tol beAR ni..pdahal bkn dy yg amek rsult!!huh!!
shuh3..g men jaoh2 sne..pe la aq mrepek ni..
ni la pdahnye ble rsult nk kuar da xbtol agknye..haha

kla..kpd rakan2 ku yg xsabar nk amek rsult 2 hope bnyk la bsabar k??
date reslt kuar pon x tw ble..so,,bertenag2..huhu
skian trima kasih..huhu salam...........

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

brite yg sedih..

salam,,ari ni x tw la knpe aq nk post 2 kli..
tp ari ase sdihhhh sgt,,,
aq bru dpt brte sedih yg teramt2 sgt..
aq ase bsalah gle2..
aq dpt brite psal si A 2 dh kembli ke Rahmatullah tghri td,,tp aq bru dpt brite mlm ni...
pe kte kite sdekahkn AL-Fatihah..
mle2 ase trkjut la,,sbb aq slaluu wat dy mrah..
waa~tp xsngke lak bole jd cmni..aq xsmpt nk minx maaf ag..
adush,,cmne la aq leh knal dy..ni sume psal teknologi yg terlalu cnggih...
kalo la aq xknal dy,,aq xkn ase brsalh cmni..
waa~im so sorry...aq da la xpndi lyan org dgn bek2 ni,,ase bsalah cm babon je skunk ni..emosi da xstabil..
nseb bek la ad,,bestfwen aq yg sggup dgr msalah aq td...tengs a lot justin..n sorry td aq kcu ko wat assgnmnt..ko mmg bestfwen aq la..
xtw la cmne nk bendung msalah yg bertubi2 mnimpa aq skunk ni..
br td aq post psal problem aq yg da brtimbun2 ni..skunk timbul problm bru.. 
Ya Allah tolonglah hambamu ini..tenagkanlah hatiku,,kuatkanlah imanku,,
hope,,dy aman di sane..sume terjd dgn skelip mata saje..
da lumrah dunia,,msti ad yg hdup ad yg mati lau da ajal mmg xleh tolak..
so,sbgi lesson nye,,b4 tdo kte knela ajen kn dri minx maaf kt org2 yg ad kte wat salah..mne tw t da xsmpt lg k...
so,,dats all,,ari ni ari yg amat berat bg ak..cm da xlart je..
k la,,hope bnda cmni leyh jdkn pngjran tok kte sume..
da xlarat nk luahkn ap2 ag..tgn dr td terketar2(but not parkinson k??)
ckop la smpi cni..tq sudi mmbce luahn ati aq ni..wassalam

kdg2 kte kne ngat asal usul kte...(just 4 remember..)

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

i'm so sorry..


ellow everybody..
ari ni ase sdih sgt2..xtw la sbb ap..but i really2 need sumone tok sharing cter..
act,aq ni bkn jenis yg ske share2 cter..bnyk hal ak pndam sndri..
kdg2 trpk gak..npe aq cmni...
lau,,ad problm aq msti snyp kn je..come on la najwa kw xlehy jd cmni..susa idop ko t...
amai gak kwn2 ak yg tension ngn sikp aq yg xsmenngah ny..tp nk wat cmne..da mmg aq jnis x ske n xtw nk share cter cmne..aq jus ske mndgr je problm org len..so,i hope u'll bole pham kondensi aq cmne..sorry sgt2..
slaoonye,,aq bia je problm yg mnimpa aq..da btimbun2 pon ak bia je..laz2,,aq akn dlet sume prob2 2..so,spe2 ad ase wat slah ngn aq..dun worry la,,aq akn maafkn korg..
mybe,,korg ad kte aq ni cpt moody,cpt mrah n whatever la..lg2 tym kt oztel dlu..so.i'm so sorry..
tp aq ny cpat epi blek..sbb 2 korg xpasan keadaan aq yg sbnr..jus a litlle je yg pasan..
huh!!whateva la..asal korg sume bhagia,,2 un da ckop buatkn aq happy sgt2..(",)
lastly,,aq hope aq akn mnjd sorg yg kuat n tabah...amin....cewah....huhuuhu
wat cter sedih lak..k la,,aq nk minx maaf kt u'll sume..
tgok la mke aq yg bersgguh2 ny,,cewahh..
nyway,,tengs coz bce luahan ati aq ni...smile^_^...
ase cm mrepek je kt cni..aq pon xpham..lalalala~(mood:epy back..)

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥


kadang2 mmg kte rase bosan ble kseorangan..
but kadang2 kte menyukainya..

adakah keseorangan itu mnyeronokkan atau mmboringkan??
even,,kte rase dri kte ksunyian..
kte jgn lupe bhawa ALLAH always beside us..
even we sad,happy or whateva..

idop aq ni kdang2 dpenuhi org yg pelbgi jenis..
n kdang2 aq ase ksunyian ;(
aq pon x tw...

adkah ksnyian i2 mnyronokkn??
pkla n renug2kn....(thinking......)
thats all..tq salam;)

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

valentine??no larh..

salam,,ari ny nak share tips pasal sahbat...hope u'all ske kn ia!!!peace!!huhu ni tips psal cmne kte nk plih sahbat yg bek..korunk leh gne tips ni ble2 mse je..hope bkesan ya!!

  • Pilihlah sahabat yang suka melindungi sahabatnya,dia adalah hiasan diri kita dan jika kita dalam kekurangan nafkah,dia suka mencukupi keperluan kita.
  • Pilihlah seorang sahabat yang apabila engkau menghulurkan tangan untuk memberikan jasa baik atau bantuanmu,dia suka menerima dengan rasa terharu,jika ia melihat kebaikan yang ada pada dirimu,dia suka menghitung-hitungkannya(menyebutnya)
  • Pilihlah seorang sahabat yang apabila engkau menghulurkan tangan untuk memberikan jasa baik atau bantuanmu,ia suka menerimanya dengan rasa terharu dan dianggap sangat berguna,dan jika ia mengetahui mengenai keburukan dirimu ia suka menutupinya.
  • Pilihlah sahabat yang jikalau engkau meminta sesuatu daripadanya pasti ia memberi,jikalau engkau diam,dia mula menyapamu dulu dan jika ada sesuatu kesukaran dan kesedihan yang menimpa dirimu,dia suka membantu dan meringankanmu serta menghiburkanmu.
  • Pilihlah sahabat yang jikalau engkau berkata,ia suka membenarkan ucapan dan bukan selalu mempercayainya sahaja.Jikalau engkau mengemukakan sesuatu persoalan yang berat dia suka mengusahakannya dan jika engkau berselisih dengannya,dia suka mengalah untuk kepentinganmu.

friends 4 ever!!

i miss u'all so much!!never 4get larh...

I hope our friendship will always remain until the end of life.......

나는 우리의 우정은 항상 인생이 끝날 때까지 유지됩니다 희망
huhuuhu,,pham2 sndri la..k la ny je kot bnda yg nk d share bsme anda sklian...kte xelok smbt valentine ni...so,,sbgi pgantinye..sy share psal friend..huuhu hope u'all can enjoy with it!!

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥


When you feel all alone in this world
And there’s nobody to count your tears
Just remember, no matter where you are
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you carrying a monster load
And you wonder how far you can go
With every step on that road that you take
Allah knows
Allah knows

No matter what, inside or out
There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt
Allah knows
Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth
Every star in this whole universe
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon, shout it to everyone
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows
Allah knows
You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs, never fret never frown
Allah knows
Allah knows

Every grain of sand,
In every desert land, He knows.
Every shade of palm,
Every closed hand, He knows.
Every sparkling tear,
On every eyelash, He knows.
Every thought I have,
And every word I share, He knows.

Allah knows.

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

day of shame~

hye sume...
ari ni nk cter psal ari yg agk memalukn...sbnrnye xnk cter tp dsebbkn title blog ni memories in my life..so nk xnk knela cter da memories kn???
urmh,,nk tw pe yg mmalukn???
mmmm,malu lak nk ckp..lau ckp korg kne promise jgn glakkn k??
act,,today i went to driving classes..nk g test komp la kononye..
yg klakarnye da la x bce pape..ag la nk stdy psal mmandu...hampeh..
eceh,,dgn mke yg poyo pon tros je jwb soaln2 test komp 2..pdhal xpnah bce pon..
dgr cramah pon gitu2 jee..ni lah padahnye cek najwa oi..
nk tw dpt result bpe??
aish,,mmg trok la..xpnah dbuat org kott..
i got 80%..wah~malunye..failed lak 2..
ni larh pdahnye rlex je...so sbgi pngjrannye..korg jgn nk pndi try n error bnda2 cmni,lg2 lau xstdy... t kne repeat spe yg mlu??dri sndri gak..
xpe la,,da nseb xdpt, nk wat cne..next week try lg skali kot.. bru beli bku td..da insaf3..haha
tp tym g beli bku 2,,ad sorg mamt ni,,nmenye rahsie la...xknal pon senanye..hehe
dy kte:rlex la...sy da amek test ni 3 kali da..kli ni bru lpas..hehe okla 2,,awk xbce bku pon mrkah dh nk ok..sy ni da bce bku pon bru lpas kli ni..
mybe dy nmpk mkeku yg sdih kott..haha(sgan lak)
urmh,ble dpk2 kn blek tol gak ckp mmat 2..
so,,yg pnting skunk kne la stdy psal driving ni..argh~!!! mlas lak..
xpe..demi tok lulus test ni ak sggup stdy psal driving..
ni la pdahnye amek lsen lmbt..lau dlu join je kwn2 tym after SPM msti da dpt lesen..
mmilih sgt,,xnak amek awl la,,crowded la,,cm sardin la.pe la..mmg bnyk alsn la najwa ni..
skunk ble dah rlex,,rlex sgt la plak..urmh,,xpela..
skunk da ad azam yg bru kne lulus test komp 2..stdy2..hehe
da la pnat nk story..bnda yg mmalukn ni..
k la,,daA sume..

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

readinG not studying..hehe

salam semua...
ececeh..smgat lak nk update blog ni...
skunk ni da ad hobby bru..haha
ad hobby bru pon nk story pape ta..tp ni lau org yg mmg rpat n knal ngn aq,,mmg akn shock abis la.hobby bruku ialah mmbce novel!!!daya jgn terkjut tw..skunk ak da pndi feeling2 ni,,hahaha
(act,b4 ni mmg xprnah mint mmbce novel ni,)
lau bce pon org mzti kte:ko bce novel??mzti xda feel kn??
hahahaa,,the normal question..da bese da ngn soaln cm 2..dah lali pon..
tp yg bestnye skunk ni kt my room da ad baanyk novell..huhuhu xcaye??meh dtg rmah..haha
mmg bes la bce novel ayt nye bombastik abis la..lau wat ayt cm ni tym exam kompem A+++ larhh..pndi2 je judge cm 2..
ttbe teringt lak kt oztel..ceh,,,mngimbau kmbli zman dlu kala,,mse 2 jijah kott yg bwak novel title nye jodoh atau cinta??dgar tjok pon cm best kn?? da la tym after trial dy bwak..mmg brebot la..yg klakanye aq x cop turn pon juz cilok2 turn org cket2..last2,abis gak novel 2.. terer kn?? sbb 2 kwn2 kte aq bce novel xda feel..haha 
urmh,,mzti nk pic kn?? okie,,sy hnya dpt tnjukn novel2 yg mmg best n bru dbeli je..nk tnjuk sume t kte batak lak kn??(hehe..xda la guraw je..)
act,,novel plg bes cinta 3 suku ni..mmg bes(smbil wat thumbs up!!)
jimat cket space wat collage ni ;)
 k la,,smpi cni jela contengan sy kt blog ni..sje nk share hobby bru ngn sume!! hehe peace!!
bye blog,,c u!!!(gye cm lme xjmpe je) hehe..

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

keb0sanan...kmas rumah!!

salam,,hyep blogger skalian!!!
uish,,ari ny mmg pnat la.. abis 1 rmah den kmaskn..hahaha
(act,bkn la 1 umah pon juz my bilk,ruang tmu,ruang tv n dpur je..huhuhu )
tp 2 pon da kre pnat la gak...sje2 je nk cer kt blog ni...bosan la ktekn...
urmh,,nk tgok cmne sy kmas umah??jom3...
usha pic yg bru dtgkp after kmas umah..huhuhu
ni bkn nk show off umah ea..tp nk tnjukkn kkemasn org boring kmas umah ;)
sdah,,,angkt bkul lak..hahaha
ni la tmpt2 yg da dkemaskn org yg kbosanan...jeng3..
1.my bilik!!even blek xda la cntek mne...;)
tempat beradu ku!!
meja stdy yg dah lme xdgunekn..hehehe

2.ruang tv..tmpt tok fmily je tgok tv kotT..:)
ni larh,,tmpt kmi skluarga bmlas2..huhu

3.ruang tamu..kalo korg dtg umah..sni je la tmpt korg..huhu guraw je la..peace!!

4.ni la dpur!! tmpt mkan3!! hahaaha (dgr mkn je tros smgt..)

ni je la kott story kli ni..huhuhu nmpk cntekkn tmpt yg sme kmaskn??huhuhu
opz!!teriak lak..hahaha k la,,nk g jln2 lak...
daA sume~wassalam :)

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

members out!ng~

salam,,hye sume..
ni anisah la suoh updte blog..(sori la jual nme kamoo mne tw t ad org nk beli)hahaa
ta nk la mrapu psal nisah ni...ahhaha joking jer..
eh,,mrapu ag..kli nk cter psal outing lorh...bkn outng cm kt oztel 2 ea..xmen la..hahaha
smlm,,kami semua(ex-slissian) g jlan2=0uting...siap jmpe dak2 bkas skola kmi lg 2...
mle2 2 mmg rmi la tym bkumpul...

 ni tym mule2 je..gmpk abis la..rmi gler join...
mmg kecoh kdai 2 ngn suare nyempreng kwn2 ku kt c2..(act,join skaki larh)..
sume lunch kt c2 konon nk bjet la 2...then kmi round2 kt SB..ase cm ari 2 dh msok SBBC 3 kli kotT..siap ad kwn yg keje kt c2 tegor lg 2.. mle2 mmg la sgan nk smbg..laz2 taram je la..ad dy tnye bf sehat?? 2 je la soaln yg dy slaloo tnye..nk je ckp:npe cbok2 tnye nk jd bf ak k??(lol bkn brani pon)
dsebbkn bek ati simpn je la soaln 2:bf??sok luse t ,,anta rport..gf kw shat??potpetpotpet..
dah lme smbg..dgn sopannye,,g undur dri..
bkn nk mrah pon dy tnye cm2..tpi mzti k stiap org kpel..??ana musykil la..ana la plak..mlas r nk ckp ag..bk lyan pic2 kmi wndow shoppng je kot..bkn beli brg pon..sgan gak ngn akk kt kdai2 yg kmi serbu 2..
sdah pnt berjlan.. 

 gaye je lbih...xbeli pon..hahaha
ngat tman permainan tok dak kcik je k??teen mcm kmi pon bole la..huhu
 bnyk jga kn pic kali ni... sje je nk bg korg sume tgok gmbr2 ni puas..ptg 2 lak kmi g umah ustz rahim kt simpang 5..dsbbkn xda lsen dgn ase x mlunye mnjdi parasit kpd sofea,,hahaha(peya sori la,,ak xbyr wet minyak..ak nk bg ko xnak..)
after g umh ustz ttbe kami ase nk g pntai..dah la xcdg pape redah je la...hahaha kt sne siap jmpe ckgu darunai ag 2..hahaha
jom lyan pic2 kt pntai lak...
 tym ni tgh hepi bru lpas jmpe ustz ksygan!!

 sdeyhnye yanie xde..

jom blek3

ni je kott 2 post kali ni... sok luse ad cer best akn d post kn kt my blogg..k la,,smpi cni je kott..k bye sume.. 

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥

0lid@y koTT...

mmg rjen la driku!!!huhuhu
skunk nk cer psal oliday koTt..
even,,g tmpt yg bese jer,,tp not bad la..
ase cm tmpt 2 dbooking oleh fmily ku sje..
mmg bebas la,,happy la jgak...
mle2 mmg xda feel la..nk g pon xda mood..
xpnh2 rjen mmbce pon jd rjen..plek3..adk yg sorg ni lak xcted sgt lak...

then,,ble smpi sne kmi pon check in,,n
ayah:ptg ni kte msok wter park tros,,lau sok kompem rmi cine,,mklumlah sok rye cine...
kmi sbg ank yg ptoh pon mndgr dgn ptoh..
ptg 2 gak msok WP..mle2 xda mood ag..
last2, gler sakan la....
antra aktvti ktorg dsne..

act,,mcm2 ag...sok nye kmi jln2 kt pntai...nk msok kn pic kmi kt pntai..tp lmbt sgt uplod..so,,mlas argh....
ny je kot cer yg bosN from me!!
mlas nk tulis ag..
nk hang out kot after ni..dah lme xjmpe mmber..
yosh!! korg i'm coming!!!huhu
k daA blog~

terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥


The beauty of a woman:
Is not in the clothes she wears,
the figure that she carries,
or the way she combs her hair,
or the style she does make up.
The beauty of a woman:
must be seen in her Hijab, and her eyes,
because that is the doorway to her heart,
the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman:
is not in a facial mole,
but true beauty in a woman,
is reflected in her soul.
The beauty of woman is in her modesty.
And the real glamour of her is her honesty.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
the passion that she shows.
And the beauty of a woman,
with passing years - only grows!

p/s:i got this from the website http://www.ezsoftech.com/akram/women.asp..
       huhuuhu share with your friend ya..
terima kasih sudi membaca. give u flying kiss ♥♥